Maatouks Law Group (hereafter referred to as MLG), as a legal services provider, understands the importance of privacy and is committed to complying with the National Privacy Principles (NPP) which set out how private sector organisations must treat “personal information”.
We respect the confidential and private nature of information disclosed to us and we are committed to protecting all personal information entrusted to us. We believe that respect for your privacy is an integral part of our legal and professional obligations to you.
‘Personal information’ means:
Information or an opinion (including information or an opinion forming part of a data base), whether true or not, and whether recorded in material form or not, about an individual whose identity is apparent or can reasonably be ascertained from the information or opinion.
‘Sensitive information’ means:
that is also personal information; or health information about an individual.
When you provide MLG with instructions we will collect personal information directly from you in person, by telephone or other means of communication.
Such information would typically include your name, personal history and details, employment history and details, business interests and details, financial circumstances, family circumstances, other sensitive information and contact details.
MLG may also collect other personal and sensitive information about you and your circumstances to assist us in providing you with legal advice and services.
Such information may be sought from third parties such as people you work with, from public records or public agencies and/or from contractors.
If sensitive information is collected for any purpose, except in extreme circumstances, MLG will seek your consent to any disclosure.
MLG will not collect personal information from you that is not needed.
If you are a business service provider to MLG personal information about you including your name, company title and contact details may be collected.
If you are making an application for employment, MLG will collect detailed personal information from you and may collect further information from referees and past employers you have authorised MLG to contact.
MLG will use the personal information collected for the purposes that MLG discloses at the time the information is collected and as set out in this privacy policy.
MLG will use your personal information for the provision of services to you in the normal operation of the business of MLG.
MLG may disclose your personal information to third parties to provide the services you have instructed MLG to provide. The third parties that MLG may disclose your personal information include barristers and experts (e.g. accountant, science, medical), Courts or Tribunals and regulators etc.
MLG may also disclose personal information about you to service providers that assist MLG in operating its general business.
Where required or permitted by law, MLG may disclose other personal information about you.
Consistent with National Privacy Principle 2, MLG will only use or disclose personal information about an individual for a purpose other than the primary purpose of collection if;
MLG may use personal information collected from you for the purpose of providing you with direct marketing material and information to keep you informed of legal developments and to invite you to MLG events and functions.
Should you wish not to receive any such information you may advise MLG by email or mail accordingly and your request will be honoured.
The quality of the personal information MLG collects, uses and discloses.
MLG protects your personal information from unauthorised access, modification, use and disclosure.
Personal information held by MLG is kept in a secured environment whether that information is stored on paper or by an electronic means.
MLG will provide you with access to your personal information held subject to the exemptions provided under the Privacy Act which includes our obligations of legal professional privilege and our obligations of confidentiality.
MLG requires any request for access to your personal information to be in writing with the appropriate proof of identification and addressed to The Privacy Officer, MLG, 80 Terminus St Liverpool NSW 2170 or by emailing
MLG will consider your request for access and within a reasonable time notify you if and/or when access can be granted.
MLG will ordinarily not charge for the cost of providing access to your personal information.
If MLG is required to decline your request for access we will provide you with reasons for our decision.
If you seek to amend personal information that MLG hold you may contact us and we will correct any personal information that we agree is incorrect, incomplete or not current.
If we do not agree with your requested amendments we will provide you with reasons for our decision.
The MLG website is a cookie-free site. Administration of the website records the site visits and logs the following information for the following statistical purposes:
If you require any further information, queries or complaints regarding MLG privacy policies and information handling practices please contact The MLG Privacy Officer in writing addressed to 80 Terminus St Liverpool NSW 2170 or by emailing