Maatouks Law Group have a wide range of services that our experts can assist you with in all areas of debt recovery and general litigation.

Are you tired of having your invoices unpaid month after month?

Does someone owe you money and they refuse to pay?

Have you been “ripped off” by a builder, car yard or similar situation?

We can help you in all areas of law, including:-

  • Local Court Small Claims
  • Local Court General Division
  • NCAT Matters
  • District Court Matters
  • Supreme Court Matters
  • Debtor location and skip tracing
  • Letters of Demand
  • Pre-litigation dispute resolution
  • Commencing proceedings in the Consumer, Trader & Tenancy Tribunal (CTTT), Local Court, District Court and Supreme Court
  • Settling matters by way of alternative dispute resolution processes
  • Drafting and enforcing Deeds of Release and security enforcement documentation
  • Obtaining and enforcing judgments by way of writs, instalment orders, garnishment, bankruptcy and corporate insolvency solutions
  • Advising in preference recovery disputes and insolvent transactions
  • Assisting you in the recovery of your assets including obtaining urgent court orders (Mareva Injunctions)
  • Advising you on your risk and liabilities in your business transactions
  • Assisting you and your business by drafting agreements to minimise the need for debt recovery actions
  • Advise on the protection of your security interests under the Personal Properties Security Act 2009 (Cth)
  • Act for you in Competition and Consumer Act claims
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